Looking for a home in Bolinas or West Marin, or thinking of selling one?
Let our local knowledge and experience work for you - we offer friendly, professional
service on your behalf for Bolinas and
coastal West Marin.
For Information on properties in BOLINAS, STINSON BEACH, INVERNESS and PT. REYES STATION
or, for up-to-date information on past sales West Marin, contact Terry Donohue.
Theresa E. Donohue
DRE License 01276710
Bolinas Real Estate
DRE License 00345235
Call or text Terry direct at (415) 509-1740.
Bolinas Real Estate is located in downtown Bolinas at 3 Wharf Road, in the historic Sharon Building.
Our mailing address is P.O. Box 479, Bolinas, CA 94924. Call or text Terry directly at 415.509.1740.
You can email Terry Donohue at terry@bolinasrealty.com.